Thursday 20 December 2012

'In 2013 I want to....'

I was inspired this week by the New Orleans-based artist Candy Chang when I watched her TED Talk about a piece of urban art she created. On an abandoned building in her neighbourhood she wrote the words 'Before I die I want to....' and then left spaces for her neighbours and passers-by to fill in. She got some amazing contributions...funny, sad, ambitious, brilliant. If you're interested watch it here.

I thought I'd ask you, readers of notthestylepages, what you'd like to do in 2013....

I'd like to be able to swim 200m butterfly (with no break).


  1. I'd like to achieve a better work/life balance and actually use my gym membership.

  2. I'd like to finish my book. And spend more time with my brother.

  3. I'd like to change my relationship with my stepkids. Less so-called 'parenting' (eg. bossing, lecturing, making them do stuff i think they should be) and just have more fun.

