Wednesday 7 December 2011

Feminism = fairness, but money trumps everything

by Katherine Burgdorf

I have 567 different thoughts on this subject which is why I’ve taken so long to get Speedblogging. Here are 2 of them;

1) Feminism needs no second description other than fairness. Are you a man? Are you an advocate of fairness for men and women? Then bonjour, you’re a feminist.

2) The fewer children women have, the more valuable an asset both women and children become. What do we do with valuable assets? We keep them safe, and we invest in them.

Unless men start bearing children there will always be differences in the way men and women experience things like work, career paths, the tax system and the pension system. This is why the concept of fairness, not equality, should be the starting point for feminism.

But here is a word of warning. Our world is knitted of money. Money, clear of any other advantage that may be bestowed on a person, is how we participate in society. Relying on someone else’s over the long term is a high risk strategy. And is it fair?

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