Sunday 23 September 2012

Fucked up but still spinning - another week on Planet Earth.

Aren't you sometimes overwhelmed by how just plain good the world is sometimes?

No, me neither. Quick rundown as we kick off another week on planet Earth:

1. Nice story in the Sunday Times today about Papa Gaddafi's habits of abducting young girls to use for rape target practice. Liked to piss on them afterwards too, apparently. Hard not to feel uplifted about the direction of Humanity right there.

2. Boardroom quotas: Britain hopes it has enough support from other countries to stop EU plans to introduce quotas as a way of getting more women on Boards. I support quotas on the well argued basis that we may as well replace useless men with useless women, but the argument against quotas isn't wrong. Unless you change the culture towards women in the workplace, and changes to the pension and childcare frameworth, then quotas aren't going to produce any real advancement. So ladies, for the time being you can bin your CVs and get back to helping your male colleagues work the company printer.

3. I bet if the Monty Python team crafted that YouTube sketch of the Prophet - 'Life of Brian' style - the Muslim world would be laughing themselves to Mecca and back. Instead of killing people. They're just naughty little boys.

4. Regulators in Scotland won't allow a breast cancer health campaign that features images of bare breasts on telly before 9pm, possibly reducing the effectiveness of the campaign. Well, this definitely wouldn't be a problem in France. As long as the boobs were Kate's. But maybe in Scotland they could take this one step further and restrict booze, sex and fried food until after the watershed too.

5. A woman soldier has given birth to a child in Camp Bastian in Afghanistan - possibly the most useful contribution anyone has made to the War on Terror so far. Rumour has it the kid's got red hair and its first words were 'what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.'

On a more personal note my blog on women being asked to bake cakes at work has not gone down well at the office. I am undermining my own work  and position by circulating such tosh in addition to just being plain mean. But it's not all bad. It was suggested I just needed to pick my battles more wisely. Red flag and a hand grenade, anyone?

So, deep breath and on we go eh Comrades? Keeping writing. XX.


  1. Are you saying people in the City didn't see the funny side of asking professional women to bake cakes for a charity day? Maybe the recession is getting to them. You did, after all, make a very good point that if they'd just asked everyone, you'd have more cake. Maybe you could have had your cake and eaten it.

  2. Well, I think I know what the problem is. The Church of England thinks that banks have corrupted their own employees. They fear it's not just one bad apple that rots the barrell, they fear the whole orchard needs replanting. Rich, I'd say, coming from the Church, but possibly explains my problem. I've gone too far to be saved.

